Friday, December 26
Thursday, December 25
do you know what's weird?
evvverybody calls me Callie. everyone i know.
but on my birth certificate? on my passport?
what my mom calls me, and what it says on Official Documents?
I'm Calista.
Wednesday, December 24
Tuesday, December 23
The icy sweetness of
sets my eyes on fire with
hot, urgent longing.
Beams of light,
connecting our minds like
glistening strands of silk
dazzle me--
all I can see.
Halting my heart,
bleaching my brain...
The moonlight symphony
of your fingers around mine
lulls me into blinding blackness,
leads me into dreams of
churning water, light refracted
by the aqua drops,
dancing on a backdrop of
emerald galaxies.
The music and magic
that is your voice
lilts in my ears--
you're an invisible constant.
An echo of emotion,
a lullaby of loneliness.
Empty memories of your touch,
flutter at my shining lashes,
turning my tears to honey,
my cheeks to lilies,
my eyes to starlight.
I miss you,
I Love You.
Monday, December 22
Sunday, December 21
You look at me
a wispy, lavender cloud--
from my mouth is dripping
with ice and gold.
Like you can see the insanity
in the colors and songs that fill my head
with chaos that even I can't make sense of.
You look at me like that chaos--
that whirling, aimless chaos--
is the most beautiful thing you have ever
You look at me like every thought I think,
every song I hum,
every look I give,
is perfection,
sparkling like lost sunlight among thousands
of ice diamonds.
You look at me
like my name is Love.
Saturday, December 20
Thursday, December 18
When I see the worlds of wonder,
blue-green brilliance of you eyes,
I want to fly through candy clouds
on wings of disbelief.
Fly until the universes of
infinite light
are so small I can
hold them in my palm,
a puddle of beauty,
luminescent and whirling,
glowing liquid pearl.
I'll fly those universes back
and place them before you,
watch you listen and see and gasp
at the crystalline complexity.
I'll watch you as
your eyes lose focus
and your smile blinds me.
I'll watch,
the tears shining on my face--
an echo of yours--
as you fall in Love with everything.
Tuesday, December 16
You're made of mirrors.
Monday, December 15
When I was cracked and breaking, I though of what you would do if you saw me like that.
I thought of the sunlight palaces you would build with your words, so I could hide behind the shining walls and be warm and royal. I thought of the lilac tears you would cry, I felt them kissing my forehead like rubies. I thought of your whispered reassurances, holding me like ancient gossamer, a web of broken love and perfect lies. I thought of how you would rest my head on your shoulder, how we would sway and float like gravity didn't exist for us--rising through sky-blue smoke and wisps of lost, electric song. I thought of how you would kiss my eyelids closed, moonlight moths against my salty skin. I thought of how you would take me to a place where the grass was sweet and pale, and you could smell the seasons as they mingled with the light filtering throught the ceiling of leaves. I thought of golden palm fronds skimming my skin and I thought of never being afraid. I thought of holding your hand tight in mine and flying above the clouds, gazing at the cities exploding with light and passion, and the fields and forests laced with sleep and lazy romance. I thought of sprinting along the sea with you, laughing in the frothing waves. I thought of hot sand and cold snow, I thought of the brilliance and beauty in being alive. I thought of how you'd remind me with every look you'd give and every word you'd speak of the miracle of Loving without being In Love, the miracle of words and light and living. I though of music and I thought of tears, and I thought of how you and I are infinity. I thought of how you're my light in my tunnel of heartbreak, how you'd take my chin in your hand and turn my face toward beauty. I thought of the invisible aurora of love and pain that dances in your eyes. I thought of the ecstacy in loving you and not caring if you loved me back. The miracle of Loving without being In Love. I thought of words, of light, of music. I thought of the brilliance in living.
Sunday, December 14
You are a light explosion
Saturday, December 13
I'll find you by the light
Your diamond glitter words
Tuesday, December 2
your eyes used to be
Monday, December 1
i want to cover your fingers with
the Me that is
Friday, November 28
206 450 4343
your smile is made
Wednesday, November 26
i don't want to get out
Sunday, November 23
Wednesday, November 19
I can smell the starlight,
Tuesday, November 18
i lost myself
Saturday, November 15
i'm always waiting
for my freak-out
for my shut-off.
one day
one thing
will push me
and something will happen.
the cork will fly off,
and fizz will fill
everyone's eyes,
and i will be all
they can see.
Saturday, November 8
awake, panting
dreaming of plane crashes
and word bombs of hate.
missing what
was once resented.
guilt isn't the new black.
but the old black's back,
and with a vengeance.
the hardest thing to admit
is how empty
those 'i love you's were.
the hardest thing to want
is to fill them with a fire
that has long since
iced over.
Wednesday, November 5
Monday, November 3
nothing hurt more
lips twitched down
when i said
I Love You.
i had expected a light
to appear, in your eyes.
i had expected you
to kiss me on that
dirty sidewalk,
next to the baseball diamond,
to kiss me
with your rain-soaked mouth.
i knew that salt
would drown my cheeks
and burn my skin,
but i wanted rose flames,
not hot acid.
i felt not petals
but needles
when you reached out
to touch my face.
i bit my lip and waited to numb
as you raised your left hand
and took all of me with you,
into a smoky blur of yellow.
Sunday, November 2
it's as if
in sparkles.
i can feel your
breath on my cheek,
while Seattle whispers
in my ear,
and rivers of ink
wash me through
the steel clouds.
i was blinded by
the city lights,
and i ran through fountains
thinking of you.
am i allowed
to miss you?
Thursday, October 30
how do i feel
i still remember how in awe i was of love when i first stopped taking it for granted.
And this. this makes me laugh:
Wednesday, October 29
this might require an explanation
smell of summer starshine,
whirling back in time.
rolling in the golden leaves,
remember when the skies were mine?
hidden behind tree trunks,
fizzing on your tongue,
drunk on midnight laughter,
praying to the blackened sun.
cover hearts in grass stains,
excited souls will yell,
forcing themselves to ecstacy,
desperation's like a spell.
so obvious you're faking it,
the pain is in your head.
you want it more than anything,
but you can't revive the dead.
i'm sorry for the changes
cruel universes make.
i wish this would flip forward.
not everyone loves the chase.
Tuesday, October 28
I can barely hear
significant it isn't
compared with
the door slam.
unimportant it isn't
compared with
the conversation.
devil's birthday.
it's just that:
a mask of sweet screams,
a mask of sticky anticipation,
a mask.
i wish i didnt have to cling
to this.
sticky clarity,
murky ice.
i want to drink the light
that sparkles off of
broken glass.
i want to see the heat
that melts so many
uncut diamonds.
i want to forget the frost that freezes
so many untouched hearts.
i can see the world from here,
the perfection marred only by the stirring
inside me.
i want to sail through the air,
and feel tears sting my eyes.
my teeth crave the pain
of cold,
the pain of freedom.
Guess who just applied,
I did.
it's in northern Michigan, which is not that far away, but far enough that my parents are slightly concerned about sending their Seattle teenager with questionable judgement there for three weeks.
but the application is in.
and if i'm accepted... then...
i'll be accepted.
wish me luck, i'm fairly certain i need it...
i would reallyreally like a Holga. camera. they're incredible. giant plastic things that take the most stunning pictures... i think it's essential to my survival that i get one. soon. they're not ludicrously expensive or anything, so it's more of a 'when' than an 'if'.
and why do i want one? this is why:
Monday, October 27
A dull, tingling pain,
small, out of place twinge,
unpleasant enough
to be uncomfortable,
though not enough to fix.
healing pain with sorrow
and sorrow with pain
replacing pills with blood
and blood with pills.
i just want to hug you
but really, that's just
an excuse to have you
hug me.
i can smell
your heartbeat
i can feel
what you think.
all i want
is for you to know me this way,
i don't want to say
those three words,
because i don't want
to scare you far away.
but those words don't mean
what i'm afraid
that you're afraid
to think they mean.
believe me.
Saturday, October 25
sharp teeth
with remnants of reputations
i miss
my summer reflection.
black lipstick marks
on cobweb lace
beauty twisted into things
that never were
and always are
shells are twirling
and screaming
they are hurting
they are pretending
they are loving every minute of it.
settling back into the warm waters
of unquestioned forevers
away from Him
the Hims that are of
and hard.rough.sweat
misunderstanding references:
one thing
using them:
but someone might
do the same
the right way, this time
stepping on the toes
of hand-me-down dresses.
i can be worth it
even when re-tellings
are tear-stained
and hidden under mattresses.
Sunday, October 19
in the D, D music video,
:D i love him with a passion
IN OTHER NEWS: last night, my friends threw me a ~~Surprise Birthday Bash, and it was amazing and i love them :)
and i got sooo many iTunes gift cards and CDs and in the past 20 minutes 106 items have been added to my iTunes library :/ and much more to come. i'm not so sure this is healthy. AND i bought nine books the other day, hardcover and everything, and it was like $100-something. annnnd i got eyeshadow and this magic wand that makes noise from Calendar Club, because really, who could resist a noise making wand from Calendar Club? i bet you couldn't. and the cashier was my passion and joy because his voice was all like ~drawly and very slightly slurred, and his eyes were kind of far away and he kept making really lame jokes, so i'm not so sure he wasnt a little bit Under The Influence (dun dun dunnn... ahaha i make myself laugh). but really, it was hilarious because he kept flirting with me and i was like 'helloooo, i am like ten years younger than you, and i'm just trying to buy my magic wand here, okayyy? :(". and i went to ZUMIEZ and bought a t-shirt which i love. and then i came home to streamers and a lot of my friends being like "SURPRISE!!!" and we danced and ate and played XBOX and took a ridiculous amount of pictures :D
annnnd i looked prettier than normal yesterday :)
life is gooooooooooooood
i love you!
Thursday, October 16
in the debate last night,
the news is depressing. i mean honestly, an act of cruelty, no matter how small, gets mentioned in the morning, for everyone to hear, dampening peoples' faith in humanity just a little bit more. but kindness has to be in some enormously noticeable form to be mentioned, which is unfair. :( :( :( if i'm ever a news-caster, i won't be like that. i'll inform people of the negative things they need to know, of course, but i'll also say NICE things. SIMPLE, NICE, HAPPY, POSITIVE THINGS. that brighten peoples' days.
i'm wearing orange nail polish right now, and i'm loving watching my fingers type, because they just flash color with ever key they tap. excellentttttt...
i love you!
Tuesday, October 14
love you, whoever's reading this!
a 'real post' is coming sooooon, but i have FOURTEEN CANDY BARS TO EAT (ahaha my friends over-did things...)
Monday, October 13
When you die
or like a light bulb fucking EXPLODING, throwing light and sound and clear sharp glass everywhere, making people notice, and have your death be one of the most thrilling moments of your life?
i think i'd take either one, as long as death doesn't come anytime soon.
and as long as the lightbulb doesn't just, you know, break
Friday, October 10
It's fall it's fall!
Saturday, September 27
Do you ever feel that people are saying something so, so important to them,
Wednesday, September 10
"i love you"
Thursday, August 28
"my worst fear....
Am I important? To anybody? Yes. "Yes" is what I tell myself. It is truly unnerving how badly i want to be right.
One person--one special person--seems to come along every generation. A person that truly speaks for the people. I want to be that person. Does that make me noble? Or simply power-hungry?
Mostly, I don't believe in God. I don't. But sometimes I wish I did. I mean, I'm all alone. But I'm not, am I? I have mankind. I have the world. We, as people, as a world, underestimate ourselves. We are blamers, talkers. That is our fatal flaw. I want someone bigger and better than me. someone to protect me. Instead, I have a chance to prove that I am brave.
I'm fairly certain that the thoughts, doubts, uncertainties I have aren't special. But I voice them, and that makes me special. How is that fair? Oh well. I want that specialness. I just go on thinking I'm brilliant, when in a way, I'm just reckless.
Sunday, August 17
i'm kind of in love with this EP:
Saturday, August 2
It's been a while,
Saturday, July 26
Friday, July 25
I copied && pasted this from Aren's loverly blog
So the quiz is in fact from there. However, all the answers are mine. I just feel like you guys don't know some basic, random facts about me, so here you go :)
001. real name → Calista
002. nickname → Callie, Shvitz (DO NOT ASK lol), Cal, Cali-Girl (DO NOT ASK again xD), and... umm... idkkkk
003. single or taken → single.
004. zodiac sign → libra
005. male or female → female.
006. elementary → not tellinggg
007. middle → sorry, no luck
008. highschool → -hides head- i am actually still in middle school, so
010. long or short → short
011. are you a health freak → i wish
012. height → like 5' 5" or 5' 6"
013. do you have a crush on someone → kind of
014. do you like yourself → yeah. i'm not in lurrrrve with myself, but yes, my self-esteem is high enough
015 piercings → i haven't worn earrings in EVER, but i've had my ears pierced
016. tattoos → nuh uh
017. righty or lefty → righty.
018. first surgery → haven't had one! except dental surgery counts, in which case idk
019. first piercing → ears.
020. first best friend → Lark
021. first award → no clue
022. first sport you joined → ballet
023. first pet → fish or dog. i dont remember
024. first vacation → hawaii when i was a LITTLELITTLE girl
025. first concert → Shania Twain :P i was 6 or 7
026. first crush → Hmmmnnn... too embarrassing to disclose
027. eating → nothing
028. drinking → nothing
029. i'm about to → annoy the hell out of Spencer or Zac :D
030. listening to → cooking noises! yumyum
031. wearing → bermudas and layered camis
032. mood → kinda tired, but i'm really happy, and, like, satisfied. good :)
033. want kids → maybe.
034. want to get married → probably.
035. careers in mind? → writer, anesthesiologist, designer...
036. see yourself in 4 years → getting ready for senior year :D
037. college → U of Iowa, UDUB, Oxford, UPS, NYU, idkkkk
038. lips or eyes → eyes
039. hugs or kisses → hugs :) well, it depends
040. shorter or taller → taller. but i've liked shorter guys.
041. romantic or spontaneous → spontaneous. but romance is never a bad thangg :P
042. nice stomach or nice arms → stomach, because a gross stomach is just EWW
043. sensitive or loud → loud :) I'm loud, and i don't wanna overwhelm them or anything, you know?
044. hook-up or relationship → relationship, probably
045. trouble maker or hesitant → trouble maker, but not to the point where he doesn't graduate high school because he's in prison. I just want a guy who's sarcastic to a teacher and isn't afraid to break the rules a li'l bit
046. kissed a stranger → i wishhhh... how amazingly movie-moment-like would THAT be??
047. drank bubbles → ...whaaa?
048. lost glasses/contacts → yesss, many times
049. ran away from home → considered it, but no :) my family's okayy
050. broken any bones → just a few toes lol, nothing major
051. broken someone's heart → yeah. i think it sucked almost as much for me as it did them.
051. been arrested → nuh uh. i'm too much on the straight and narrow for that shit :P lol
052. turned someone down → hmmm... well... idk if it counted.
053. cried when someone died → i don't think. i was SAD, of course. but i'm not much of a crier.
054 liked a friend → yeahhhh
055. drank egg nog → nopers
056. gone to therapy → nuh uh
057. played spin the bottle → nope. idk. it seems kinda stupid and overrated and uncomfortable, so i've managed to bail out as of yet =\ i probably will play at one point in my life, cuz it's like a classic experience, y'know?
058. toilet papered someone's house → someone's car, yes. house? no.
059. liked someone but never told them → .....i think everyone i've liked has found out. i can't really be subtle--not that type of person. but i'm sure there's been SOMEONE who didn't know. hmm...
060. spied on someone → no
061. stolen anything → stickers when i was in kindergarten
062. gone camping → wiv meh daddy :D
063. had a crush on your sister's friend → i only have a younger brother =\
064. gone to a nude beach → no lol
065. gone streaking → i have in my underwear, but not bare-ass-naked, no. :P
066. had a stalker → OOHHHH DID MCKAY COUNT? lol, no, i haven't really.
067. gone skinny dipping → no
068. laughed so hard you cried → on occasion ;D
069. gone to a party → yeahyeah xD
070. been in love → i thought so at the time. and now i'm like EWWIE EW EW
071. felt betrayed by your best friend → not really....
072. lied to your parents → NEVER. ahahaha just kidding. it's possible i lie to them every day, but i don't keep a tally ;P
073. been out of the us → mmhhmmnn
074. thrown up from working out → erm, no. i don't work that hard lolll too lazay
075. gotten a haircut so bad that you wore hat → not THAT bad
076. 3 meals from 3 different fast food places → nuh uhhhh. never.
077. done anything hurtful to your classmate → who hasn't?
078. been cheated on by someone → no. well, idk. not that i've heard.
079. yourself → mostly
080. miracles → they happen every day
081. love at first sight → i think it happens, yes
082. heaven → i don't know
083. santa clause → not anymore
084. angels → yes.
085. kissing on the first date → depends on the guy. for the most part: no.
086. sex before marriage → i'm not AGAINST it, but i don't BELIEVE in it, no. I actually don't think sex i that big of a deal. I'm nowhere near ready for it: i do believe in waiting until i'm at least a legal adult.
087. is there one or more people you want to be with right now → yes. as in, romantically? or like here in this room??
088. had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time → no.
089. do you believe in god → hmmm... well, maybe.
090. smell → summer
091. sound → music
092. movie → In The Land Of Women
093. clothing item → skinny jeans, funky tees
094. clothing store → Nordstrom's, Anthropologie, JZ Rose, H&M, any and all boutiques
095. still talk with the first person you dated → yeah. we're kind of close, in fact
096. are you obsessed with someone → not OBSESSED, but i am very fond of Pete Wentz. Welll... i'm maybe a li'l obsessed.
097. best thing about your job → don't have one
098. like more than one person right now → nope. not really.
099. any compliments today → i don't keep track. someone said i'm not a wimp, i'm a good rock climber, i have pretty eyes... :) idk
101. friends guys or girls → i think my friends are like 50% of each gender, but i don't really know
102. own any furniture from ikea → my bed, dest, nightstand.... i love IKEA xD
103. last book you rea → I'm re-reading a few, but the last book i read for the first time was... gah. a lot.
104. super power → FLYYYYY
105. lived most of your life → where i live now.
106. why is the sky blue → what's the meaning of fucking LIFE??? lol xD
107. last song you listened to → hrmmmm idk. You're Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring, possibly, but you never know
108. if you could be anywhere right now where would it be → gah. i'm really happy right now, in fact. =) right here. but i'd want my BFF here wiv me. but these guys are super close to me too, so i'm good where i am
109. mood atm → hunnngry
110. plans for tomorrow → ice skating and hanging out and tomorrow's the SECOND TO LAST DAY HERE so just chilling and making the most of it :)
111. last time you slept for more then 12 hours → a few days ago, actually. i like to sleeeep
♥♥♥that's alllll xD ily guys
I feel like I can say a LOT to some people,
Thursday, July 24
Holy shamalamaaaaaa--
Wednesday, July 23
I've never been phenomenal at poetry.
ANYWAY I read this poem. And it was written by Ann Michelle and it is amazing times a squillion. I thought it was about fireworks, though it's about a storm. That's the thing with poetry, it can apply to almost anything:
The thunder rolls off in the distanceas
Tuesday, July 22
I wish I was healthier :\
Monday, July 21
You know those cheesy thoughts you can't help thinking,
do you know we all pump the same red blood into our veins
Sunday, July 20
What's the difference between music and just sounds?
Friday, July 18
The pictures in this blog are random.
I love easily.
Thursday, July 17
So, this week, from 1-4 every day, I've been in this creative writing class.
Complaining is a waste of time.
You have no idea how hard it was to decide on a name for this blog.
I'm sitting at film camp, "editing our movie". but we've already finished editing TWO movies, as opposed to the other group, that has just STARTED editing their first. They go slow because they are very dysfunctional. Afightfightfight then talk about feelings. 24/7. It's SUMMER CAMP, for God's sake. Why the drama?
To be honest, it bugs me when people say I cause drama. I haven't heard that here, because the other group is such a whinefest, but in real outside of camp life, i've had people say i always drag things out, try to get people fighting, get things roiled up. But the truth is, i hate that stuff. I don't dislike a single person, and I wouldn't want to. I just want everyone to get along, which I realize sounds cliche, but it IS what I think. Maddie vs. Taylor, Karl vs. Maddie, Holly vs. Chris. Lena and Sarah and I are the only people I know who avoid that shit at all costs, but somehow we are the ones who get caught up in it. I have no problem with being dramatic. That is one of my favorite qualities about myself, in fact. But I don't cause all this immature shit. And it kills me when people say i do :(
Wednesday, July 16
I love these lyrics....
The Meaning of Life
Tuesday, July 15
Sometimes, I want to abandon any desire I have to write fiction,
So, if you're reading this, and are planning to come to my funeral in many years' time, just remember that whenever you feel like crying, laugh instead. :D