Monday, April 27

The leaves are on the trees now,

they're golden green,
reflecting the morning sunshine
so it falls in shining stripes,
split by the shadows of the blinds
you draw.
The sunlight colors your eyelids with happiness,
tickles your lips into curving
into the smile that only spring
can bring . . .

Friday, April 17

And in that moment, I swear we were infinite...

Friday, April 10

We've mastered the art of pretending,

our talent is such that we can hide,
even from ourselves,
that we're just lost in the loneliness
of lusting for Love.
The longing for belonging is illustrated on our bodies--
the questions blooming in our violet eyes,
the inky hearts strewn across our skin like so many stars,
lost amongst each other,
shining and dying and shining and dying
and shining.

Thursday, April 9


Y'know how you were talking about liking All Time Low? Well. I'm seeing them on Friday night, I'll think of you when they play :]

How are you, btw? Miss you.